Mental Health

Various Types of Mental Health Problems


Signs and symptoms of Depression:

  • General discontent, guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, mood swings, or sadness.
  • agitation, excessive crying, irritability, restlessness, or social isolation.
  • early awakening, excess sleepiness, insomnia, or restless sleep.
  • excessive hunger, fatigue, or loss of appetite.
  • lack of concentration, slowness in activity, or thoughts of suicide.
  • weight gain or weight loss, poor appetite or repeatedly going over thoughts.
  • not going out anymore, not getting things done at work/school.
  • withdrawing from close family and friends.
  • not doing usual enjoyable activities.
  • unable to concentrate, Hopeless Outlook.

To be Mentally Healthy


Signs and symptoms of Stress

  • Becoming easily agitated, frustrated, and moody.
  • Having difficulty relaxing and quieting your mind.
  • Feeling bad about yourself (low self-esteem), lonely, worthless, and depressed.
  • Avoiding others, Low energy, Fatigue Feeling.
  • Headaches, Upset stomach, Aches, pains, and tense muscles.
  • Chest pain and rapid heartbeat, Insomnia, Constant worrying, Racing thoughts.
  • Forgetfulness and disorganization, Inability to focus, Poor judgment.
  • Being pessimistic or seeing only the negative side.
  • either not eating or eating too much.
  • Procrastinating and avoiding responsibilities.
  • Exhibiting more nervous behaviors, such as nail biting, fidgeting, and pacing.
  • Menstrual problems, Sleep Problems.

To be Mentally Healthy

Relationship Counseling

Causes of relationship problems:

  • Trust Issues, Different Expectations, Moving Through Life at Different Speeds.
  • Compatibility Issues, Communication Issues, Relational Abuse, Boredom, Money Issues, Emotional or mental health issues, Codependency, Indifference.
  • Lack of a common vision or goals, Abuse and neglect, Sabotage, Infidelity, Fear of intimacy, Family issues, Addictions, withdraw during arguments, Not on the same page, rely on body language to convey your feelings.
  • Refuse to compromise, see your partner as inferior, holding on to the past, Relationship is full of secrets, never take any blame, relationship lacks respect.
  • Only think about yourself, rely on your partner for validation.
  • Don’t forgive or forget, You’re on different pages sexually, Someone Cheated.

To be Mentally Healthy

Emotional Disturbance

Signs and symptoms of emotional disturbances:

  • Learning difficulties (academically performing below grade level).
  • Aggression, irritability or agitation, Changes in mood, personality or behavior.
  • Confusion or forgetfulness,Grandiosity, Reckless or inappropriate behaviors.
  • Difficulty with concentration or attention, weight fluctuation.
  • changes in eating pattern, Memory problems.
  • Difficulty with memory, thinking, talking, comprehension, writing or reading.
  • Poor judgment, Racing thoughts and rapid speech.
  • Appetite and weight changes, Fatigue.
  • Cough that gets more severe over time, General ill feeling, Pain or discomfort.
  • Shortness of breath, Sleep disturbances, Compulsive/obsessive Behaviors.

To be Mentally Healthy

Signs & Symptoms Of Eating Problems

  • Rapid weight loss or frequent weight changes.
  • Loss or disturbance of menstruation in girls and women and decreased libido in men.
  • Fainting or dizziness, Feeling tired and not sleeping well.
  • Lethargy and low energy, Preoccupation with eating, food, body shape and weight.
  • Feeling ‘out of control’ around food, Using food as a source of comfort (e.g. eating as a way to deal with boredom, stress or depression).
  • Using food as self-punishment (e.g. refusing to eat due to depression, stress or other emotional reasons).
  • Eating in private and avoiding meals with other people.
  • Changes in clothing style (e.g. wearing baggy clothes), Changes in food preferences.
  • dramatic weight loss, eating a lot of food very fast.
  • changes in your mood, problems with your digestion, Repeatedly eating large amounts of sweets or high-fat foods.
  • Expressing depression, disgust, shame or guilt about eating habits, Complaining about being “fat”.

To be Mentally Healthy

Signs & Symptoms of Sleeping Problems

  • have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night.
  • experience abnormal patterns in breathing while you are asleep.
  • causes an uncomfortable sensation and an urge to move the legs while you try to fall asleep.
  • extreme sleepiness during the day and falling asleep suddenly during the day
  • difficulty falling or staying asleep, daytime fatigue
  • strong urge to take naps during the day
  • irritability or anxiety, lack of concentration
  • depression, weight gain
  • impaired work or school performance
  • react slowly
  • have trouble controlling your emotions
  • feel like you have to take a nap almost every day
  • require caffeinated beverages to keep yourself going

To be Mentally Healthy

Problems Of Adolescents

(Adolescence is the age between adulthood and childhood.)

  • Teenagers are often confused about their role and are torn between their responsibilities as growing adults and their desires as children.
  • Teen Suicide, Cyber Addiction and unhealthy social media.
  • Competition, Sexual activity and behavior or Watching Porn.
  • Drug use, Obesity, suffer from negative body image, Mood swings.
  • Experience stress, Depression and Peer pressure, Eating Disorders.
  • Difficulty prioritizing and managing their time.
  • At risk of mental and Physical health issues.
  • Lack good mentors, role models, and heroes.
  • They are exposed to on-screen violence and.
  • Face bullying—online and off, Violent Video Games
  • Tend to feel overly emotional (blame it on the hormones).
  • Adolescent girls are vulnerable to crying.
  • Feelings of inferiority or superiority may arise at this time.

To be Mentally Healthy


Signs and symptoms of aggression:

  • Trouble with concentration and attention.
  • Trouble thinking in an organized manner.
  • Poor communication skills due to overt negative affect.
  • Trouble with language comprehension.
  • Feeling agitated, Feeling irritated, Low tolerance threshold.
  • Personality fluctuations, Impaired judgment and decision making.
  • Insomnia, Social withdrawal, Being a danger to yourself or others.
  • Threatening behavior, Confusion, lethargy.
  • Biting/hitting/kicking/pulling/yelling/pinching/pushing/teasing another person or an object.
  • Anxiety, Moodiness, Agitation, Disorientation or memory problems.
  • Having difficulty calming yourself down after exerting aggressive behavior.
  • Clinched fists, Flushed skin, Increased body temperature, Increased heart rate.
  • Withdrawal or depression.

To be Mentally Healthy