OCD- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Do you know what OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) is?

Ocd, obsessive-compulsive disorder,

This disease occurs due to mental pressure on any person or due to excessive stubbornness or passion for any work. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts or sensations (obsessions) or the desire to do something repeatedly (compulsions). Some people may have both obsession or mental pressure.

OCD sufferers talk well to common people, this disease is not about habits like biting your nails or thinking negative thoughts. An obsessive thought may be that certain numbers or colors may seem too good or bad.

Frequent hand washing after touching something dirty can be a compulsive habit. However, the victims do not want to think or do these things. They themselves feel powerless and compelled to stop doing so.

Everyone has different habits or thoughts which sometimes repeat over and over again. Such as repeatedly checking the door or car, whether it is closed or not.

What are the types and symptoms of OCD?

OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) is not one type, OCD comes in many forms, but research has found that most cases fall into at least one of four general categories:

Like checking the locks, alarm system, oven, or light switch frequently, or thinking I can’t shower or urinate well.

Thinking about cleanliness all the time or being afraid of things that might get dirty. There can be fear and compulsion to clean the places where there is a feeling of filth. Psychotic thoughts include repeatedly feeling that you have been treated like filth.

There is always a need for symmetry and order, to arrange things in a certain way. Worrying all the time and thoughts that interfere with others’ work, repeating a thought over and over again with a passion. Some of these thoughts can be violent or disturbing by hurting others.

Research has also shown that there are 5 types of OCD.

Ocd, obsessive-compulsive disorder,

1. Completeness (Checking excessively):

Some people get confused that the car is locked, the house is locked, all the lights in the house are extinguished, the safe is locked, yet after walking 5 steps from the house, they Will turn around and check if anything is left. Many times even after going 20-50 kms away from home, they again think about these things and then turn the car back towards home and come back home.

When OCD sufferers do such acts, their family members repeatedly intervene that you should not do this, you are creating unnecessary ruckus. This makes the patient angry first, then jealousy starts in his mind. There is also the possibility of an untoward incident if the condition of the victim deteriorates.

However, in this, it keeps coming again and again in the mind of the patient that the thoughts which are coming in the mind are not correct, all are my delusions. But the aggrieved person, even if he wants, is not able to stop such thoughts. In such a situation, he keeps checking his work again and again. Due to this problem of OCD, his time is wasted and his business or other work is also affected.

If the aggrieved person is employed in a company, then due to this habit of checking, he does not feel like working and his job can be lost. In this way, more trampling by family members would be fatal for the victim. In this case, it is important to immediately take the patient to an experienced psychiatrist and start treatment.

Various treatments and techniques have been developed to control OCD.

2. Contamination (Washing or cleaning rituals)

In this problem of OCD, the patient feels the filth again and again. He keeps on cleaning the floor and his room again and again, washing his hands and feet. Even if he touches the door or latch of the house, he will start washing his hands.

Some victims are such that if a neighbor or guest comes to their house, then they will start washing the whole house as soon as they leave. Will start cleaning the bedroom with immediate effect and put the bed sheets and pillows for washing. They also know that nothing is dirty.

But due to the disease of OCD, they are not able to stop themselves. Due to frequent cleaning and washing hands, there comes a time when their hands start getting damaged.

3. Pathological Doubt (abnormal concern about having failed to perform a particular action)

OCD is surrounded by a variety of thoughts and doubts within the sufferer. The victim gets subdued by these doubts and causes harm by performing strange activities.

4. Superstition (Counting excessively)

OCD sufferers get caught up in this disease and get immersed in the numerical game and fall prey to this disease. Some people take a certain number for granted and they fear something untoward when that number appears here and there. And then they remain scared and irritable.

OCD sufferers keep counting things all the time and even after counting they keep doubting whether there is any mistake in their counting? Because of this doubt, they again start counting those things.

5. Holders

In this disease, the sufferer does not like to go away from those things which he likes. If the suffering patients like any useless things, then they start collecting those things. They don’t even throw useless things. And they don’t like it if someone else remove those things. Due to which troubles arise in his life. Because to this, useless things pile up in their house.

OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) sufferer needs family help and treatment

Ocd, obsessive-compulsive disorder,

Psychiatrists say that OCD is psychiatric and for this the patient should be immediately taken to a psychiatrist and treated. But often some more knowledgeable people of the society start sharing knowledge and say that there is nothing, this is just a disease of illusion. Talk about increasing will-power.

But due to the continuous education given by the people of the society or family, the patient gets frustrated, frustration turns into despair, which then becomes life-threatening. In fact, due to repeated interruptions, the patient feels that perhaps he has gone mad, a feeling of death also starts coming in his mind. And when this situation escalates, they also try to kill themselves.

“As soon as any change in a person’s behavior is noticed which is unusual, then immediately take him to an experienced psychiatrist.

Different types of therapy and training are used to cure patients.

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